Good morning everyone! Happy start of the week! I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and was able to spend time with friends and family. Now, it's back to the normal routine.
This week is going to be a short one for me. Only two days of school for me this week (Tuesday and Wednesday) then Thursday I fly to DC for a graduation!
What are your plans for the week?
Now....on to the smoothie.
I have been loving green smoothies in the morning time because they fill me up and I get a fully loaded, nutrient packed meal to begin my day. I have been experimenting with a lot of different recipes and flavor combinations, so today I wanted to share one that I think is quite good! You can make smoothies really basic or you can play with it and make it a little more sophisticated and exciting. Either way, I think that green smoothies in the morning is the way to go.
The Recipe
(for one serving)1 cup water
4 pitted dates (you could use prunes if you prefer)
1 small banana
about 2 tbls ground flax seeds (add more or less as you like)
1 large handful of spinach
1 tbls almond butter
ice cubes
*this smoothie was a little thick in my opinion so be sure to add as much water as you want to thin it.
To Prepare
Mix everything in a blender and enjoy!Have a great week!
Happy eating,